Connecting You

My Life IS My Passion

My Life IS My Passion

Masterminding for TRUE SUCCESS!

Welcome to the most dynamic Masterminding Group in the GTA!

… A Kick-Ass Think Tank with 
Hearts On Fire for Trailblazers!

First Session Starting: 

(1 session a month, on the 2nd Friday of the month, from 8:15 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.)

Hurry! Spots are limited. Reserve yours now!

Meet the RIGHT Connections for Blazing your Trail &
Igniting your Business... TOGETHER!

Do you want TRUE Success? You can achieve much more in your life and business just by being in a Mastermind group!

While working on your own is great, there are so many more resources, knowledge and awareness that’s available for YOU with this format. When like-minded and like-hearted people come together, MAGIC happens! It’s a guarantee! and it’s organic!

If you’re envisioning a life with more congruency, harmony and prosperity, then join us and experience true transformation in the way you ‘DO LIFE’! This is a rich, engaging, enlightening AND empowering community that brings out the best in YOU and helps you find your way HOME, a place you belong in LIFE!

Let’s build this year up with MOMENTUM for following your authentic path and Living out LOUD in your Life and Business! This is for YOU and ME, so we can get back to thriving!

Who is it for?

Entrepreneurs who are passionate ‘beyond the shadow of a doubt’ about being in the right field of work, have a strong message, and are committed to making a huge IMPACT in 2022!

How many sessions & how long?

1 session a month on the 2nd Friday of the month, from 8:15 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. (EST)

Investment & Term: $97 to $997
What you will experience:
You will walk away with:
Hurry! Spots are limited. Reserve yours now!

Let's work together to find... "Better and more humane
ways of becoming successful - Doing Business with Heart"

What Others Are Saying

My biggest important learning is more self care taking more ‘me time’. As a result, I have more balance in my life with reduced stress and more ‘in the flow’. Rosa is such a selfless, generous giver of her time, talents, resources and pure loving energy. 

She is always committed to excellence and delivers laser-focused, rapid-fire, high value coaching sessions. I am grateful for her unwavering commitment to serve at the highest level. 

I highly recommend you have a conversation with Rosa.”

– Gary Gradley, Purpose Coach


– Testimonial by Tasia Keeng – Business Matching and Masterminding


– Testimonial by Nisreen Mama-Foda – Business Matching & Masterminding


– Testimonial by Adele Spraggon – ‘Connecting YOU Today‘ TV Show


–  Testimonial by Lindsay Doke – Business Matchmaking & Masterminding Retreat